Create a healing place at home
Allowing Time and a Space to quiet our minds for a few minutes every day is so beneficial – it should be as much a part of our everyday life as brushing our teeth or applying our make-up!!
We are realising more and more, how important it is for us to have an area of our home which we have designated as a healing space. It doesn’t need to be a large area, it doesn’t need designer furniture, but it should be somewhere comfortable, a place where you won’t be disturbed and is clutter free!
Nature usually helps us to relax, so if possible your space should be somewhere you can see the view out a window but if this isn’t an option, a plant or flowers would add something earthy. Exposure to sunlight helps us to feel more relaxed but if your space is not near a window you could use a mirror to reflect light. Look for places outdoors that nurture you too, a park, the beach, a forest, or even your garden.
The items you choose to have in your space should make you feel relaxed and happy; a photograph, a crystal, a candle, artwork, or anything personal that makes you feel good.
Sound may be important to you – an mp3 or cd player playing sounds that resonate with you – whether it’s soothing music or sounds of nature whether it’s a flowing stream, breaking waves or forest noises. It could also be used to play meditation cd’s. Some of us may prefer Silence !!
This space could be used to meditate – for about 15 or 20 minutes a day – preferably in the morning before the day fills with distractions! It could be an area where you give thanks and appreciation for all the positive things in your life – the more we appreciate, the more we attract similar positive energies into our life. Day by day, as you relax and breathe, your natural Well-Being will dominate and you will feel satisfied, then those objects, those relationships, those desires, those answers, those solutions that you have been asking for will flow seamlessly, in perfect timing, into your experience.
For more information on my healing treatments see this page.