The Benefits of Reiki

Reiki healing can be used to help with a plethora of illnesses and conditions stemming from physical, mental or spiritual issues. It is essentially a technique that lowers stress and promotes relaxation. Reiki does not directly cure diseases or illnesses. Instead, it’s used as a way to manage symptoms and improve general well-being.

Reiki has been shown to have the following positive effects:

  • Reduces the negative side effects of any long-term treatment

  • Speeds up healing

  • Alleviates pain

  • Lowers stress and anxiety related to treatment

The other reported benefits of Reiki healing include:

  • Lowered blood pressure and risk of heart disease

  • Improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia

  • Relief from pain, fatigue and anxiety

  • Treating depression and other mental health conditions

  • Boosting the quality of life

  • Treating headaches, migraines and nausea

  • Creating a general sense of optimism and well being

As an alternative therapy, the effects of Reiki may not be the same for any two individuals, but it usually offers a warm and deep relaxation.

Reiki is still being studied as an alternative form of medical treatment, with more research emerging every year. The most compelling evidence for the benefits of Reiki comes from personal anecdotes of individuals who have experienced immense healing. It is not for nothing that Reiki is now a part of treatment in hospitals and healthcare facilities globally.

To find out what to expect in a typical Reiki session, click here


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